It is #GratefulFriday

It's #GratefulFriday

When we live in the space of gratefulness, we open our hearts to infinite possibilities.

It can be difficult to grateful when life is difficult, painful, and challenging, when life just feels heavy. It has taken me a long time to get to a point where I’m grateful just because. Because I opened my eyes, and took a breath. Because the sun came up and it's a new day. Just because I am here today.

There is always something to be grateful for. Start by giving thanks for the little moments, feel it in your heart and the more thankful you become, the more joy life will flow toward you.

This may sound like hocus pocus. But it's true. It's all about attention. Where you focus your attention, energy flows. What you bring your attention to expands. When you focus on the little moments and the goodness in life, you create more moments and joy.

It's easy to find things you are grateful for when life is going well. But when life feels hard, sometimes it’s fine to just have one thing to revert that you are grateful for. Each day has a new meaning behind what you’re grateful for. Although it may have been something very small, the warmth that bubbles up in your heart is so big that the moment takes on a new meaning.

Try meditating with this Sanskrit mantra to help open yourself up to the gratitude in your life, ⁣Dhanya Vad: I feel gratitude.When I'm grateful, I find grace. By looking for the blessings in my life, I open up a space of light in every experience; I open up the path for grace to flow. I make room in the middle of everything for gratitude. Feel the vibration flow into your heart. Stay here for 10 - 15 minutes.


Find the little moments and little by little your day will become a little brighter.

Much Love,



It is #GratefulFriday


It is #GratefulFriday